Friday 2 October 2015

Feedback - Sinister, representation of children

  • solid opening explaining the topic and text.
  • background to the text makes sense from a structure perspective but a little too much reading from the slide.
  • far too much text on the slides - doesn't work for ignite presentation
  • clear research has taken place - combination of story line, marketing material etc.
  • some good details picked out from the film poster in relation to children.
  • slides with images much stronger than those with lots of text

  • brief reference to representation of children in horror and more general stereotype - need much more on this.
  • structure weaker towards the end - repetitive rather then going in to the wider media issues/debates
  • real opportunity missed in terms of relating it to moral panic of 2000 + how safe children are. 

Sig - 2 
Structure - 3 
Simp - 2
Rehearsal - 4 

EBI - I should have written less text on the slides as I preformed better without nay text as I spoke about key points in the image shown. Most importantly, I should answer the question through out the presentation which will make it easier for me to plan my critical investigation. 

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